Quote Dita's Slot Meter="Dita's Slot Meter"Good job, it will be in overdrive with Jeremy at the wheel, because he is seriously dreaming if he thinks the so called 'rich' will hang about to have their pockets pinched by the leftys....
This theory would only be found to be true if indeed there were no "rich" left in the country by, say, 1977, after at least a couple of decades of high rates of income tax for high earners.
Truth was that there was a wave of moaning and wailing from the "rich" and threats of "I'll go abroad" but when push came to shove and the wife asked "Where will we be emigrating to then dear", the bravado faded with the realisation that emigrating to a country with low or no tax would probably destroy their social and family lives.
Moral of the story is to tell anyone who repeats the moan "I'll go abroad if they tax me at 50%" to go ahead, sell the house and take the family somewhere cheaper, go on, do it now...they won't.