Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"What have I said about fairness ...'"
Very little. Which is rather the point.
Indeed, you said: "As much as you want equality - that will never happen, we are not equal and we do not value all skills similarly."
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... life is not fair, there will always be people better off than others either through ability, graft or inheritance. Again you struggle with reading. We do not live in a eutopia nor will we ever as much as you may want. No shifting of goalposts straight answer as I gave in the previous post how much clearer can I make it.'"
It's 'utopia'.
And so you see no reason to work to change that? You have no problem with your fellow citizens needing to use foodbanks, for instance?
Are you familiar with the word: 'ethics'? You seem to struggle with the understanding that 'equal' and 'fair' are not synonyms.
What philosophical argument can you give for not thinking that greater fairness would be A Good Thing for all?
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"I see you conveniently overlooked to address your issues with Apple - one of the world's largest hoarders!! in an attempt at deflection - very typical of your style on here, you never answer a direct question when it comes to your behaviour? You are a hypocrite of the worst kind, high up the food chain spouting about how unfair everything is yet your own behaviour compounds issues you claim to care so much about...'"
You constantly 'deflect' – your introduction of the subject was just such an example.
They're you're "issues".
Mind, it's hilarious and utterly illogical. Apple are the industry standard, as I have previously explained, so in your little world, I should refuse to use the industry standard and find some computer that is über ethical (it probably doesn't exist) and probably lose work in the process, possibly to the extent of then needing to apply for benefits – which would please you no end, because then you could whinge about that.
I live in the world as it exists: 'the real world', so to speak. I do what I can to be as ethical as possible and, for want of a better phrase, to promote ethical issues.
There's very little suggestion from you that you consider ethics to be remotely of any importance other, of course, than when it's those nasty 'scroungers'.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... On my in laws, the law dealt with two of them, the drug dealer and his wife - so what would be the point of me reporting what had already been legally ruled on? As far as I am aware it is not illegal to have numerous children by multiple fathers - that doesn't stop it being frustrating and if the benefits were not available I would suspect the use of contraception might be more widespread amongst young single mothers.'"
You waited for the police to act?
Tut tut.
There's plenty of research out there suggesting that lack of opportunity and poverty are two factors in increased childbirth. Perhaps there's a reason that the well-to-do and those with good educations and with careers rarely have large numbers of children?
Perhaps, in a 'fairer' model of society, fewer people would be so inclined to have so many children.
That, and proper sex education and, one would hope, a decline in the sort of religiously-inspred attitudes that laud large families and damn contraception, abortion and, often, much in the way of the sort of opportunities for women mentioned fleetingly above.