Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... Life is not fair, it never will be...'"
Yes. You keep repeating this. You have also stated that someone who isn't poor themselves shouldn't campaign for a fairer society. Strangely, you've yet to answer, AFAIK, the question of whether that means that, in your opinion, only slaves should have campaigned against slavery.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"You hold much weight to food banks ...'"
I what?
Are you drunk so early in the day?
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise" - so exactly how many people in this country are reliant on food banks and how much of their disposable income that they could be spending on food are they spending on things like cigarettes/drugs/gambling...'"
If you'd been paying any attention at all, this has been discussed, more than once, on here. It has been pointed out, for instance, that you cannot simply walk into a foodbank and grab what you fancy. Checks are done first to ensure that you are in such need.
Current figures are between 5-600,000. The prediction is for this to hit the million mark this year [url=http://news.sky.com/story/1185639/food-banks-will-help-one-million-in-2014Story – it's Sky News, so not something anyone could class as 'left-wing'[/url. And that's without mentioning the Red Cross food parcels and the Save the Children spending.
Trying to pretend that need is only a matter of spending on the 'right' things is nothing other than the same sort of sheer nastiness of the likes of the liar IDS and his cronies. I hadn't quite placed you in that bracket before. I hope it's mere delusion on the basis of propaganda.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"Are you seriously suggesting that if David Baldacci supplied an article to newspaper written in Word the paper would reject it? You are saying the product you type on is far more important than the words you type - that's an interesting point that has occured to a few of us
Conflating Word and anything other than Apple is revealing. Personally, I would vastly prefer not to use Word, but again, it's industry standard, regardless of it being dross. So I use it because I have little realistic choice in terms of compatibility.
And I use it on Macs, because those are the industry standard. Perhaps I should try going into an office next time and refusing to use the computers that are there and telling them that I'll only use something that that they can find that probably doesn't even exist.
I can imagine that working well.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"Pretty easy to convert Word into Pages/Quark etc. Where I work we print product, the Genesis of which is turning customer's artwork into plates - we can this artwork on a multitude of platforms many of which are not Apple related.'"
Quark is rather old hat these days. Priced themselves out of the market stupidly and generally replaced by Adobe InDesign – the new industry standard, although whether that will remain the case now they're trying to up charges by only making upgrades available as downloads remains to be seen. Personally, in my work, I use InDesign for page make-up, plus Illustrator, PhotoShop and LightRoom for graphics and photographic work.
I suspect that you didn't think that I did anything other than write, did you?
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"You are confirming that your principles are pretty flexible depending on how they impact you?'"
At least I have some.
According to a brief 2012 report in the Observer, "ethi-tech ... has yet to get going". [url=http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/oct/07/lucy-siegle-laptop-ipad-miningStory[/url
So perhaps I should jack in my work altogether and find another job. One that doesn't use any tech at all. Obviously. Although given that the highest level of tech we used when I started in journalism was typewriters, one can hardly predict what job will be a nice, safe, tech-free zone in a short time in the future, can one?
I await with interest your response on ethics. And no, I don't mean a county to the east of London.
Quote Sal Paradise="Sal Paradise"... it is about desire, ability and graft. You cannot say its all unfair because others are not prepared to grasp the opportunity.'"
So, let's try this old one again: there are as many jobs available as there are people of working age, are there? And those jobs pay a living wage and are full time, are they?