Your partially-baked, ill-informed, nincompoopery is incredible.
Quote David Titan="David Titan"Why? Britain has had, throughput its history, an almost unparalleled respect for the liberties of its citizens...'"
Utter bollox.
Quote David Titan="David Titan"... Why do we need European judges to tell our government how to behave? ... '"
Because the ECHR is a supra-national court specifically set up to judge on issues of human rights.
Being supra-national helps to avoid being swayed by nationalist bias.
The judges come from the group of nations that are signatories to it.
Would you rather they didn't?
Quote David Titan="David Titan"... The whole concept of the ECHR is ludicrous. It is nonsense that just because Germany cannot be trusted to stay within its borders or refrain from committing genocide that a panel of unelected foreigners, who descend from countries where traditionally liberty and democracy are alien concepts, should dictate to Britain (who along with the Americans gave freedom and democracy to Europe) that we cannot deport a terrorist to his country of origin...'"
Your knowledge of history is both selective and skewed.
To even think that [uonly[/u Germany is capable of transgressing human rights is, frankly, stupid.
The ECHR was set up by the very nations who believe in democracy.
The UK signed up to the ECHR, voluntarily, long before we joined the EU and the ECHR is not an EU body.
Quote David Titan="David Titan"... The solution to the German problem was not to implement an ECHR that decides how the British government can deal with criminals or terrorists. Nor was the answer to create an EU federal state whereby the sovereignty of every nation in Europe is subjugated under German rule. The answer was to break Germany up...'"
The ECHR doesn't decide how the UK can deal with terrorists, it decides on whether there is a human rights issue ... the clue is in the name.
Germany is already "broken up" politically, using a federal system of Länder imposed upon it, after WWII, by the very nations you describe as having brought freedom and democracy to Europe.
(In case it escapes your notice, your much-trumpeted land of the free and home of the brave USA is also a federal nation)
Not that we have a federal Europe in any case but if we had one based on the same principles, no single nation state would have power over the others, that's the point of a federation, dimwit.
Quote David Titan="David Titan"... Thatcher understood this, hence her opposition to reunification.'"
Thatcher opposed anything that she couldn't control.
She rarely listened to views other than her own.