Quote faxcar="faxcar"Well what do you expect the Bradford "fiasco" or "saga" which are terms that have been used by virtually everyone associated with rugby league on national tv and the press have just made a laughing stock of the game.
It's not the supporters fault but can't you see how bad it looks on the outside.'"
Its not their fans fault yes but they did have this 'we are the Bulls and we should be in SL no matter what, so what if we went bust we are too big to not be in SL they need us' attitude. They did not accept any blame or felt they should suffer at all they just expected to be in SL despite everything and deep down we all knew that actually with the RFL looking after them they were right.
But how they have come out of this smelling of roses and getting all this sympathy when it was something of their own clubs making makes me sick.
They have not suffered much have they just a points deduction thats all, wow.