Quote Damo-Leeds="Damo-Leeds"I do believe you mate and I wish the best for you too. Whilst there might be still a debate to be had on here hopefully sometime in the future we can all call everything a truce and do away with these heated debates. But to be frank I’d rather just leave the debate here.
You may not believe me but I think it’s sick that people past a certain age have to work in bottom end jobs. We should be in a society where career paths are clear from starting out in the working world and until retirement. Instead some people have the misfortune to have the same job that they hate for most of their lives. I agree that in life we have to do things we don’t like at times and I’ve done it by been on the dole. Ideally for the years I’ve been unemployed I’d rather would have had a job stacking shelves in a supermarket but supermarkets have treated me with no respect whatsoever when I tried to pave out a job in their stores. I was viewed as an endless stream of unemployed people to work for free in their stores at their disposal. But we don’t live in an ideal world and I can’t change what’s happened in the past. Circumstances have changed since those early attempts to gain employment in a supermarket. To go back to them to stack shelves would be a massive waste of my potential which I’ve spent years not fulfilling. I’m grateful that I’m in this position to pursue all of this which is off the backs of a society that has been they for me when I’ve needed it.'"
I think there is a larger debate to be had regarding benifits and people receiving dole money and my personal opinion is that a lot of people are frustrated by this (me included) and you seem to get the brunt of people's frustrations regarding this.
There are loads of people out there (again sadly I deal with them most days) who abuse the system take money from tax payers and have no intention of ever working in their life. These people get on my wick and shouldn't receive a penny, it's people like this that probably get u the stick u get.
I believe there should be help for people who need it but the ones that sit on their back sides with no intention of ever doing anything shouldn't get a penny.
In terms of yourself it appears to me at least you are trying to do something positive about your situation. I personally if I was in your shoes would have gone down the route of Tad, invincable etc and any job is better than nothing, but from what I have read would not count you with the "scroungers" who do anoy me, because as far as I can see you are trying to do something positive. Not what I would do but hey we are all different.
Luckily I am classed as a professional with a well paid job and university degree. To fund uni I had to work 3 jobs and after uni I had 2 almost full time jobs till I got my career, so as I say I would in your situation gone about things differently but who's to say what's right and what's wrong. It's people who have no intention of getting off benifits that I have a issue with.
Also people who need and deserve benifits don't always get them. A friend of my dad worked all his life as a printer. Got made redundant and instead of claiming took the only job avalable in a hand car wash. When that job went he couldn't find any work, but was told he could not claim anything for I think 6 weeks because he had just left a job. A man who had paid tax all his life and only needed a little help while trying to get another job