Quote Ferdy="Ferdy"As stated before other generations never had 225 managers and we all turned out ok. '"
Did we? The lack of a consistently good national team at any major sport probably suggests we haven't done that well.
Also, times have changed. I would imagine that when the majority of people who contribute to this board were in school that there weren't a huge amount of McDonalds, Burger King's and KFC's on every street corner, that there wasn't a huge amount of processed food aimed directly at children in virtually every shop in the country, that their parents probably had a wee bit more time to spend with them, and that kids bedrooms weren't packed with TV's, PC's and games consoles.
School is the introduction to sport for so many kids who don't get it from their parents at home. Some parents should do more for their kids, some cant or don't know how to. I know it's only anecdotal but we get so many kids to our training who were introduced to RL at school, if they hadn't they would probably still be sat playing on their playstations, not to mention the ones who would be out doing no good if it weren't for the threat of getting a bo!!ocking at their sports club.
Quote Ferdy="Ferdy" can see that you have all the stats Seth to say things are working well but again I think that if as a county we have to cut in core departments then yours needs to go too. '"
Now then you've changed your argument here. Either sports funding is not needed or it's simply less vital than other things?
When the coalition can spend so much money, literally billions of pounds, on needless and reckless re-organisations, divisions and siphoning off of the entire health and education systems, then why is a poxy £165m suddenly so vital? Or why not cut the sports funding budget by 20% like every other department? That would be fairer surely instead of getting rid of it altogether?
What do we want from kids? We constantly tell them that they're thick and useless, so they get better and better grades in exams at school and we tell them that's just further evidence of how thick they are. We teach them ridiculous, out of date, irrelevant twaddle in school and then complain when they don't pay attention. We tell them all to go to university and then complain that they're all going to university. We keep them wrapped up in cotton wool and then tell them to act their age. We tell them they're all fat and lazy and then take away opportunities for them to do sporting activites whilst packing their rooms with even more games consoles.
No wonder some of them do stupid stuff. I'm surprised they haven't all taken to the streets.