I realise the topic is essentially over but I feel I have to pick you up on a few things Dave and set some facts straight for everyone.
Quote D.D.="D.D."It's starting to get like Celtic v Rangers and it's sad that individuals have to resort to personal insults, pulling to pieces all the stuff that you do in your spare time for the benefit of Saints fans.
If this site was fully of literary geniuses, turning out quality articles then I'd take the point. As it happens, Ski has set up a site and, unless he manages to find a minute every now and again (and I appreciate, quite often, he can't), not one of his team ever lift a finger to help him.
#1. Ski doesn't have a 'team', with the upmost respect to him he was essentially made redundant in relation to the forum side of the-entertainers following the well documented events of 2008. His official input is limited to the subsite which, as his pet project, he runs how he likes with what time he can spare hence its transformation into the blog form it has taken this season.
Unfortunately due to the forum side of things being the reason people generally come here I would suggest that the subsite is rarely visited directly (certainly much less comparatively to the main redvee site) unless Ski updates it with a new blog piece and notifies us in a post. As such it is certainly not a case of the 'team' not lifting a finger to help but rather our help not being needed or for that matter necessarily wanted, or at least this is how it has appeared to me since I became a mod here.
Quote D.D.The sad thing is, this kind of thing demonstrates perfectly well why Redvee was right to leave RL Fans because everyone here is, and always was, too keen to knock everything anyone writes. It's no wonder no-one writes anything for The Entertainers.'"
2. In terms of people knocking everything everyone writes goes, this is a odd one, I'm assuming first of all that you mean in terms of articles or those occasional rather more indepth, debate provoking postings. What's odd about that is that surely this is down to the specific audience, and therein lies a bit of a paradox (of some such scientific thingy), as Redvee allegedly drained most of the existing Saints audience from RLfans with the split, many knockers from that section of readers will surely have just transfered too? And as for fans from other clubs who knocked... would you honestly expect anything less from the vocal majority?
Ski's blog has gone down very well this season and I don't recall many knockers tbh but then as I state above most people come here directly to the forum and many won't even be aware that there is a specific www. site.
Quote D.D.despite their own site having virtually zero trade since Redvee's departure, or maybe that's hit the nail on the head.'"
3. Actually we've done a pretty brisk trade since the split and after removing some of the more annoying and persistant wigan trolls we gained some more regular vocal posters. We have of course suffered with much of the gobby southstand contingent of late but I know Redvee has not been entirely immune to that either and given the clubs rivalries it is to be expected and much as it pains me to say it they do occasionally stimulate some interesting debate.
To be honest as a regular reader of both sites it is very rare I find a thread on Redvee that doesn't have a similar topic on here, we even sometimes get the ball rolling first! Personally I like having the opportunity to choose and enjoy both sites and as such don't like to get involved in such... one-up-manship squabbles that I have bear witness to down the years, especially when I have seen 'team' members from both sites work well together over the morrisons affair etc.
At the end of the day we all support the same team and enjoy reading and debating about them, heck we even stand side by side at the games and share the same coaches. I'm with Hitch on this, lets just hug it out and let digital bygones be digital bygones.