Quote M@islebugs="M@islebugs"How can there be 3 options plus Caisley? A majority body of the shareholders, represented by Chris Caisley has called for the board to resign and demanded an EGM, presumably to confirm their removal. This pretty much trumps all other options, even if they exist. Who would hand money to a BOD who are a fortnight away from being sacked?
Why is it taking so long to hold an EGM? This just smacks of pointless, spiteful delay with the club and it's fans the victims.'"
There are various legal requirements in holding the EGM - just because Caisley has requested it, a few things have to happen before it actually occurrs. Don't forget, EVERY shareholder has to be made officially aware of the EGM as they are entitled to vote.
Although you are right in saying that Caisley's imminent arrival does trump the other options, would you prefer the current BoD to sit on their backsides and not try to investigate possible options?
Imagine if Caisley got hit by a bus - unlikely - but could happen, that option goes out of the window and we're really up the creek without a paddle.
Also, would it be harder for Caisley to regain control if the current BoD did manage to pull off a coup and find investment for this second £500k before the EGM? It would be very interesting to see how some of the "floating" shareholders would vote at that time given that some of them have leaned towards CC at this moment, but under the belief that his is currently the best way forward (whatever that may be). Any substantial change in the current situation could alter the EGM plans of CC.
Hood and CC do not get on, I think that is a given, which is a shame as at this moment in time we could really have done with all the shareholders working together to get the initial issues sorted, then had the bun fight as to who should be Bulls Fans enemy number 1.