Quote king karl="king karl"The music played at odsal is cringe worthy at best, bloody embarrassing at worst ...
As is "come.......on........you...........bulls"'"
So how do you propose you stop thousands of fans chanting it each game. Given it's them making the noise, not the PA? But then that would spoil your jaundiced agenda wouldn't it?
Quote king karl="king karl"As is "we love you bradford we do....ohhhhhhh"'"
See above. Not doing very well are you?
Quote king karl="king karl"Woolly played after every try is ok if your 6 years old'"
No. No, it's not. Perhaps you should sack your researcher.
Quote king karl="king karl"I propose its time for a new start, lets ditch the old and dated songs and get some decent tunes played during the games'"
What is the nature of your "proposal". Since you won't fall into the ts trap of simply criticising without offering a counter, name which "decent tunes" should be played. I don't think Paddy Power would offer odds on either that happening or the resulting suggestions being of any value.
Quote king karl="king karl"Its a new start and a new beginning , please let this be the last time we have to cringe
Or, just don't go and stay at home.