Quote pulsator2k7="pulsator2k7"Week 4 fixtures...
Widnes vs Salford
Huddersfield vs Leeds
Hull FC vs Bradford
St. Helens vs Hull KR
London vs Warrington
Wakefield vs Catalans
Castleford vs Wigan
Tie breaker - total points scored in the round?
Predictions to be in by no later than 7pm on Thursday 6th March.
As I said, I'm on hols so everything will be caught up when I get back this week (bullinenemyland).'"
Cheers pulsator2k7. Just back from hols feeling refreshed and relaxed... then the reality kicks in with work and my beloved Bulls!!!
Anyway, onwards and upwards (hopefully)...
Widnes vs Salford - Salford by 14
Huddersfield vs Leeds - Leeds by 18
Hull FC vs Bradford - Hull FC by 16
St. Helens vs Hull KR - St Helens by 22
London vs Warrington - Warrington by 50
Wakefield vs Catalans - Wakefield by 8
Castleford vs Wigan - Cas by 11
Tie breaker - total points scored in the round? 360