Quote bobsmyuncle="bobsmyuncle"some stuff'"
No disrespect here, but you don't really seem to know what you're talking about. I also didn't try and state that those insolvency procedures are the same, simply that each [iis[/i an insolvency procedure.
Anyway, presuming this point has been removed from the RFL's rules, it doesn't really matter, but my comment was accurate.
Your description of the procedures, as well as being condescending, is also wrong. There is a brief summary of the difference between a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) and an Administration on [url=http://www.insolvency.gov.uk/compulsoryliquidation/alternativestocompulsoryliquidation.htmthe Insolvency Service's website[/url which sets things out in fairly simple terms.
It would also appear you are confusing receivership with liquidation. Receivership is an "old" procedure; it wouldn't and couldn't apply to the Crusaders since the current company hasn't been around long enough to have granted security which would allow the holder of the security to appoint a receiver.
You are also confusing a CVA with liquidation.
In respect of employee (or player) wages - whilst an administrator does not adopt the contracts of the company to which he is appointed, he may "hire and fire" employees and salary costs will be met as an expense of the administration where the company, acting by its administrator, has continued to employ staff in order to trade during this period. Any arrears of wages, however, would not be paid (unless they are minimal and the administrator feels that it will help achieve the purpose of the administration if the arrears are brought up to date). The arrears would need to be claimed from the Insolvency Service's Redundancy Payments Office, which the RPO will pay up to the statutory limit which, I think, is currently £380 per week.
I can't be bothered clearing up the other inaccuracies in your posts right now, time for bed.