Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"1) Warn supporters that the ground was very cold unless you were sat in the sun. By the 3rd game I was shivering '"
It was Scotland, in May. That was warm, you were lucky it wasn't snowing...
But seriously what would it have been like in any stadium?
Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"2) Standardise ticket prices at £20/£10- you could go anywhere with any ticket '"
You can't safety rules won't allow it.
Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"3) Maybe move it to the 2nd bank holiday in May? Weather may be a bit wamer'"
It may be, on the other hand it could p**s down for three days, you can't go arranging events like that. Here's a novel idea, bring something warm.
Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"4) The cost of food + drink was horrific- £6 for burger + chips. £3.50 for 330ml of cider- cheaper vans are required '"
That is standard for major event catering, you were allowed to bring in food and (non-alcoholic) drinks
Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"5) Start the sunday games at 11.30. Last train south was 8.45 from Haymarket/ 8pm if travelling back to Yorkshire/ Lancashire '"
Book a hotel or a club trip then, the whole idea was fans staying in an area and having fun.
Quote loyalsince1904="loyalsince1904"6) The focus on the mascots was very OTT. They ran out before every game'"
More so that some freezing dancers doing the same routine between each game? Those that didn't like it got off their @rses and moved around, bought some food, talked to other fans etc...