Quote There's obviously some politics being involved here, and in my opinion a lot of it's designed about a much slower game which suits sides when you start to talk about playing Australia,"There's obviously some politics being involved here, and in my opinion a lot of it's designed about a much slower game which suits sides when you start to talk about playing Australia," Sheens said.'"
So Sheens is alleging that there is a conspiracy to pick a referee that will disadvantage his team. Do we have a disciplinary any more, because if that isn't bringing the game into disrepute, then I don't know what is.
Quote There's obviously some politics being involved here, and in my opinion a lot of it's designed about a much slower game which suits sides when you start to talk about playing Australia,"There's a panel and obviously the Australians are going to want the best referee, that's all.'"
Really? OK so far Tim . . .
Quote There's obviously some politics being involved here, and in my opinion a lot of it's designed about a much slower game which suits sides when you start to talk about playing Australia,
"It would be disappointing for Shayne and disappointing for the tournament if technically what I would argue is the best refereeing system in rugby league and the referee nominated by us who has been nominated for the referee of the year can't get a game, then something's wrong.'"
Translation: When we nominate an Australian ref., what we are saying is "This is who WILL ref us in the Final, and we spit on all your referees".
Nice logic, Tim!
Mind you, what [iwould[/i have been entertaining is to have 2 on-field referees, and pick Ganson and Hayne. They'd end up scrapping!