Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"seriously? Exactly what part of...
...doesn't acknowledge their begging fans to come back?
2013 delivered 6,500 ST holders.....the entire business plan for 2014 is centred around 10,000....54% increase....it'll take more than a begging letter in the local rag methinx
See? You're quoting yourself and passing it off as fact. That's what I said you'd do, and you did it.
But not only that, you do it again with something new. Where does it say in the article that the entire business plan for 2014 is centred around 10k season tickets? Please, quote the article, not yourself. Just because YOU say it, does not make it fact.
Here, let me get you started with a few things that go against your self invented "facts" because you may have missed them. Or just downright ignored them, which seems the more likely scenario.
Quote gutterfaxAccording to Sutcliffe, the Bulls have several “irons in the fire” regarding potential investment but said supporters =#FF0000could play their part by turning out in force.'"
Did you notice the word "could" in there? It doesn't mean the same as "need to" or "must". It means, it would be good if they did.
Also, "several irons in the fire"? What could that mean? Could that be other revenue and investment streams that gutterfax doesn't know about? That can't be the case now, can it? I mean, his figures become solid fact once he's made them up.