Quote The Changing Man="The Changing Man"It has everything to do with the topic under discussion......all the new system has delivered is the same fans to Headingley for a couple of more games (on the season ticket), 7 of the top 8 the same as last year, 7 of the 8 from 2013, 7 of the 8 from 2012..........etc
Getting the same fans to pay for an extra couple of games isn't a sustainable or long term strategy...it's more short termism from the RFL.
With London now in freefall, there is every possibility that all but Catalans will be from the north in the top 24 inside 2 years. How do you sell that to a sponsor? TV figures and crowds are down in the first year of this new system.....7 of the 12 games this weekend have nothing riding on them......it was flawed when it was announced and the fact that it can't be hailed as a success shows how badly it has performed!
It's not extraordinary and every moment doesn't count......it's the same stuff reheated and flogged on!'"
We don't have enough teams to run a straight season. Clubs struggle to manage on 11 games. So we need extra games. We've always had them in SL in some form or another and they're very much needed.
That isn't to do with the league system. That's to do with the strength of clubs, the player pool and league and club finances.
I'd love a 16 team league. But we don't have the clubs to fill it.
As for clubs in the north... Well, like I said, we know all that. Again that has nothing to do with the league system.
You keep saying the system has performed badly, compared to what?
It is obvious to anyone without an agenda that this new system makes the regular league more important than previously for the top 8 clubs.
I agree with the point about Wakefield but I don't think that negative overrides the entire system to make it "poor", especially as we're not even 1 year into it yet.
It seems you just want to have a pop at the RFL. By all means, do. But stop conflating the several issues. And also, if this system is so poor, which system would work significantly better?
As for your final comments about the taglines used to sell the new system, don't be so daft. You know exactly why those kind of comments were used and would complain had they not used such comments.
Unfortunately, as usual, despite having some valid points, you're making yourself look daft again. Another name change on the way soon no doubt.