Quote headhunter="headhunter"Again, that completely contradicts what you're trying to say. London are also unlikely to get very many supporters from outside the area in which they're based regardless of name.
How on earth does it? Harrogate and York are nt in Leeds. It is entirely irrelevant to my point.
Quote headhunterMaybe, but there probably wouldn't be anywhere near as much local interest in Hull.'"
it doesnt need to have more than there is in Hull. Just more than there would otherwise be and it is the obvious right way to go.
Quote headhunterYeah, that and the fact that it's the biggest, most popular sport in the richest, most powerful and third largest nation on Earth.'"
And to repeat, Them making a conscious decision to target large populations with city or region teams were one those catalysts for that growth which made them the most popular sport.
Quote headhunterNo, that isn't my argument at all. But there's a huge difference between naming a team after Rockhampton, a small and relatively insignificant place with a population of 60,000, and naming a team after Barnet, which has a population of 330,000 in the middle of a city of 13.5 million. A club named 'Barnet' would represent the third biggest population centre out of any team in Super League after Leeds and Bradford, and would also be bigger than any in the NRL apart from Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast and New Zealand. Barnet alone has a bigger population than the geographical region of North Queensland.'"
But you are arguing that those who want to watch RL, but were one of the 13.2m people in London but not Barnet would watch Barnet anyway even though they had no affinity or affiliation to Barnet. So Why wouldnt they watch Rockhampton? If the name doesnt matter and they would watch anyway why would you rename the Auckland Warriors the NZ warriors if it wouldnt attract more people?
If the name didnt matter and those in north queensland who were going to watch the cowboys would watch anyway, why are they the North Queensland Cowboys and not the Townsville Cowboys.
Quote headhunterWhat you're failing to acknowledge that these 'suburbs or boroughs' are far larger than most cities in their own right.'"
Its irrelevant how big they are. We want the club to be as big as possible. The principle is the same. It doesnt change with scale.
Every other sport in the world doesnt look to clubs representing suburbs, every major sport in the world looks to its biggest sides to represent cities, larger regions or are none-geographical, the only exceptions are those which grew out of amateur sport and we are talking centuries old.
Why are we different? What are all they doing wrong?
Quote headhunterBut again, you're missing the fact that sport in the USA is completely different to RL in the UK, both in its scale and nature. And that most of those teams play different sports. AFAIK, New York is only represented by two clubs at each sport. Which makes sense given the size of America and the population spread that needs to be covered. There are 30 or so teams to go around 320 million people. But what you're talking about in the UK would be a London club representing a population four or five times the size of all the other teams combined. '"
And? are we in a position of Londons Club being too big? Why wouldnt we want each club to be as big as it can be?
Quote headhunterSo you think it would be more logical if all the soccer clubs in London were just called London?'"
Everyone else in the world seems to manage pretty easily.