Quote Derek Smalls="Derek Smalls"To quote Phil Veivers on the club site:
"We're losing our one, six and seven and that's the spine of your team. It would be great to try and fill these empty positions."
Is this the first official admission that Holdsworth is leaving?'"
Surely we all knew Holdsworth was on the way out ?
Veivers (Phil ), was referring to Josh Veivers , Holdsworth & Howarth,
Patten ( retired )
Gleeson ( Hull KR )
Moon ( in Dispute? wants back to NRL with Cronulla )
Holdworth ( Hull FC )
Smith ( Wigan mid season )
Anderson ( released)
Adamson ( released )
Veivers ( released ? )
Howarth ( released ? )
Paleaaesina ( released )
probably more as we seem to be offloading any squad member officially out of contract or able to negotiate their way out of existing deals.
Of the backline only Gibson & Williams have extended their contracts so we've got to find a SL standard 1,3,4,6,7 for next season and strengthen other areas . and thats ignoring rumours about Broughton with St Helens.
Fages, Walne, Morris, Evalds,Whitehead from the U 20's look fantastic prospects but will be steamrollered if thrown in as 1st choices for 2013,