Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"
Butcher..i know my mate MR has me on his assassin list but I have to agree with him here.'"
Jeez, you're like a cockstruck teenager when it comes to MR. Let it go man, let it go.
Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"
The club finishing top of the pile are rightly Champions of that particular sport, those who finish below the cut off for staying in the division should give up their place and allow teams who have competed below them a chance.
You're using the words 'club' and 'team' interchangeably, and they're not the same thing. You say you want the [iteam[/i that finishes top of the lower division to be given the chance at the higher division. So, do you want the [iclub[/i to be forced to take their place in the higher division with the [iteam[/i that got them there? If not, why not? If so, what do you think their chances would be in that higher division?
Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"
Your argument about them being unable to compete in such a short period is valid but they shouldn't be denied that chance.
Another way of looking at it is to say that if you want the top division to be populated with the best clubs - and, surely, that's what the top division is meant to be about - then having a system where a better club can be replaced by a weaker one on the strength of one good and one bad season on the field seems massively flawed to me.
Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"
The way the structure is at the minute the top division is fundamentally a closed shop and doesn't encourage the teams below it to invest or develop themselves. You find that once the gap has opened up showing the potential playoff teams then the teams below eight place have nothing to play for both Salford ( and it isn't a dig) and London testimony to that this season.
A closed shop that allowed Widnes in. Not a closed shop, in other words.
Quote Marshy1="Marshy1"
Restructuring is a tough nut to crack as you will please some and not others but in this country we must be the only sport who turn it's back on Promotion and Relegation...I do stand to be corrected however.'"
Is there another sport that promotes directly from a part-time division into its fully funded full-time top division?