Quote Bill52="Bill52"As a new poster, but frequent reader over the years, I have to say that I fully support the principle of free speech that numerous posters on this forum frequently talk about.
What I do not agree with however, is the personal attacks these self same people make behind a nom de plume. It strikes me these people have no integrity, or the balls to put their names to the attacks they make.
For information my name is Bill Taylor and I am a close friend of the Bradshaws, and many other true Salford fans who post on here. If any of you anonymous heroes have the balls to put your true name to your vitriol and wish to discuss them face to face, I for one am happy to meet up for an honest and open discussion. If you feel you can not, or are afraid to reveal your true identity, then I for one will never discuss any of your issues as you lose the right as a mister or ms anonymous.'"
Couldn't agree more.
What people say on the internet, hidden by the protective mask of an avatar is something I'm researching at the moment.
The 'virtual self' enables those that in the "real" world typically lack a voice worth listening to or any kind of social standing, to be someone they just aren't. Angry people who are liberated from the constraints of daily life by the anonymous medium of cyberspace. Disinhibited by the social rules of face-to-face interaction, they can express offensive and hateful remarks at strangers.
In complete agreement with Bill, a discussion cannot be held with views that aren't supported by the disclosure of one's idnetity. Of course, if the mask, the anonymous safety blanket is removed, a modicum of respectability is warranted.
For the record, yes, I know Bill and Shirley. Over the past decade or so, nothing more than a brief chat or hello at away games but neverthless, I know them to be passionate Salfordians of the highest order. People who command and deserve respect from all Salford fans for their tireless efforts, often at great personal cost. I for one am glad to have this small association with them and I encourage all readers to join me in thanking them for their continued support of the club we all love.
Thanks guys!
Oh btw, if you don't already know I'm Gavin Cottrell. Feel free to call me Gav. I'm unlikely to indulge in a debate with irate contributions so don't be surprised if I ignore angry responses directed at me in this or any other debate on this forum.