Quote Deus Dat Incrementum="Deus Dat Incrementum"A by product of the cap and the aus dollar / sterling exchange rate is that the England side should be a lot stronger. Not since the early nineties have we had so many players playing in the NRL. This has also strengthened the French national side because there are a lot more French players in UK based SL clubs.
If (massive if) England are successful in the 4 nations and by some miracle manage to lift the world cup the cap will double overnight because of the additional interest and sponsorship. Players would almost become household names overnight. I know it is a complete dream but you never know with Wayne Bennett in charge. It would be the biggest thing to happen to rugby league in this country. It would be even better if it happened in a year when every other national sporting team failed miserably. It would also mean more interest in world club challenges and make all of the international series more meaningful.
Look at the 2003 rugger world cup and the 2005 Ashes.
Revenues will not increase dramatically until there is some significant international success. You may not get jaguar sponsoring TV coverage of super league but I am convinced SL would do better than mushy peas as a sponsor with England as world cup winners. Then the cap can be raised and attract the best players'"
That's the money post.
Exactly. The game needs to be truly international then big sponsorship will roll in.
We don't give the home nation international enough support. We go in and out only at World Cups.
We need to rival the 6 nations every year.
It doesn't matter how poor the rival is, so long as it is a regular fixture. Being a poor side hasn't done Italy or Scotland for that matter any harm. So long as there is an international against a quality the fans will turn up to support their country. It doesn't matter how one sided initially. Strength will develop over a prolonged period.
Eg if Warrington Town v Back St Numpties would we go?
I doubt it, however, Warrington Town V Man Utd... Too friggin right we will. Town would get battered but we'd be there because we want to see our team tested at the highest level.
It's the same with international, the rfl just don't get it.
We should have a home nations every year, it should be full on and given next to nothing to the BBC to replace their loss to commercial TV.
England Scotland Wales France Ireland and get Holland Germany and Greece involved if we can....hey even Canada.