Quote MarginMeter="MarginMeter"Between you and me, I doubt that will happen. But that's not to say the game was boring. It's just that around the only sport which genuinely gets people talking about it is football, which to my eyes has around 10% of the intensity of RL and which seems popular enough despite people rolling around at the merest hint of biff. Or even where there's no biff at all.'"
Football is popular because its popular not because its any good.
There are loads of sports more interesting than football. its the "X factor" factor for me...by that I mean you get a genuinely repetitive dull as TV programme that is on at peak tv watching times, with most people being force fed it, that you know full well you can turn to the person you're working next to and say, "Did you see so and so on x factor wasn't he/she good/rubbish?" and they will then talk about it thus generating popularity.
Rugby League is not popular because no one has really heard of it, if they have they don't understand it,and not many people go to games or watch it on the TV and never have done in my lifetime so it looks like it cant be that good.
That must not be confused with it being rubbish or a boring sport, because it isn't.
I'm going to try and get my eldest lad to a game at Anfield this year he's eleven, and I'll be taking him to be part of a big game atmosphere, to see Steven Gerrard and other famous popular people he will have heard of on TV and in the School playground. To see the kop in full flow, and to sing you'll never walk alone. ..........If I could leave after YNWA has been sung I would do, because the next hour and half is usually a bit rubbish. but that's what I mean about it being popular because its popular... I'd rather not go to be honest
I've been a Liverpool fan longer than a Wires fan.....I just don't think the sport of Football is that good. I cant take the game seriously, and its rare that I appreciate the skills they show. (the recent exception being van persie's header in the world cup)
I wish Rugby League had 10% of the media coverage football gets but we don't and we will always be a minority sport. But we should all enjoy our sport and talk it up at every occasion. There are plenty of outsiders willing to talk our game down we don't need to be doing it ourselves.