Quote the flying biscuit="the flying biscuit"
its not the end of an era, or the end of the world..we are getting rid of some old players and replacing with younger........'"
Now, ladies and gents, here we have that very rare commodity on RLFANS,......................
................common sense
well done, biscuit!
As I've said previously, on other threads.
Morley. A SHADOW of where he was only a year ago. Adrian should have announced his forthcoming retirement (end of this season) in June. Unfortunately, he's prolonging it by another season. The fella is a legend. But, it's time to stop, now. But, I fear the "good" Doctor's cash me just be too much of a temptation.
Hodgson. Never let us down, despite his 9 stone frame. The guy epitomises commitment, and it's been a pleasure to see him in P&B for 3 seasons. Again, I think it's time he hung his boots up for a well earned retirement, but "Uncle" Marwan's cash might have swayed him.
Carvell. Now, I'll contradict myself (not for the first time), but I think he should have stayed. He's STILL devastating. A sad loss to our team. He's well capable of STILL doing a job for us.
Cooper. Ta for your efforts , lad. No complaints from me, bar you never really "kicked on" from an increadibly good start to your Wire career. I wish you good luck in your new career. I hope you haven't made a HUGE mistake, Aussie is tough.
Now, the "treachery" bit.
I think Briers and MonaghanM should have joined them
Briers is the same as Morley. It's been a season too far. His great games this season are few and far between. Likewise MonaghanM. His performance v Leeds in the play-offs was huge, but, like Briers, it's the exception rather than the rule.
This would've freed a ton of room on the salary cap. I think we've missed a trick.
To all those who are leaving........................THANK YOU.