Quote Dick Jones="Dick Jones"Seems unfair how much extra Bradford and London get its nearly double what we get.'"
Not unfair at all if you think about it rationally from a business perspective. Both are coming down with full time Operations having always been SL clubs and having to dramatically restructure to meet the revised funding which is far less than they have ever been forced to operate with previously and having struggled to be competitive with the higher funding anyway!!!.
We on the other hand are working with a clean slate, debt free club and with the continuity of players and staff from a successful season and indeed having built over the last couple of years while investing and building the best possible team/club with the increased funding we will receive under the new structure.
I don't envy either Bradford or London at the moment life outside of SL will be daunting for them while on the flip side its never been more exciting for us.
Its up to us as Directors, Sponsors, Fans, LISA, to bridge that funding gap between us.
Lets focus on how we put more bums on seats and show the RL world like we have done for the last 16 months or so we are a club on the up and going places. Everything about what we've done on and off the pitch to date has laid the foundation we have to stay together and multiply to make the next step now so lets worry about that rather than ifs, bust and maybes hey???
Lets look at the positives, top up your glass to half full and enjoy the ride.