Apparently, after the furore over the article in the League Express a few months ago regarding Toulouse's chances of a Super League license, the RFL, very quietly, amended the Operational Rules. The amendment applied to section A1:6 .............
A1:6 a) There shall be no promotion or relegation between Super League and Championship
from the 2008 Season onwards. Instead for the 2009 Season and for every 3 seasons
after that, the Board shall invite applications for membership of Super League from: (i)
current Super League Clubs; (ii) Clubs in the Championships that meet minimum
standards set by the Board; and
(iii) any overseas clubs invited to apply by the Board.
Those Clubs being offered and accepting a Super League Licence for 3 years shall
participate in Super League – for the avoidance of doubt, all Clubs offered a Licence
shall be obliged to re-apply for a further 3 year Licence at the end of each 3 year
Licence period. Those either not being offered a place or not accepting a place offered shall: (i) in the case of Super League Clubs, participate in the Championship; (ii) in the case of Clubs in the Championships compete in the League they are currently in, unless they are relegated or promoted in accordance with the rules below, which shall take
precedence; or (iii) in the case of overseas clubs invited to apply by the Board and who are not currently in the Super League or the Championships, the
Board shall have the discretion to offer a place in one of the Championships or reject the application outright.
b The Board shall have discretion to set criteria for membership of Super League and discretion to assess Clubs against set criteria and determine membership of Super
League from 2009.
c) At least one Club that has competed in the Championships during the Licence Period 2009 – 2011 and that meets minimum standards set by the Board will be granted a
Super League Licence for 2012 – 2014.
d) For the purposes of A1:6 (a) above the applicant must submit a completed and signed application form and provide such documents, including financial records, as the Board shall at its discretion require.[/i
So there you have it. Toulouse can be invited by the RFL to apply for a Super League license and don't have to meet the criteria that all other clubs have to. If any other overseas club 'invited' to apply fails, then they will be offered a place in one of the Championships.
Read it for yourself ... ... on%20A.pdf
If I hadn't read all this myself, I wouldn't have believed it.