Quote Jimmy85="Jimmy85"I honestly think that the main reason rugby league fans hate rugby union, at the risk of upsetting a few people, just comes down to class, education and the 'North/ South divide'. Both games have skill involved, and its only completely blinkered comments from rugby league hardcore fans that say different. =#FF0000Ask a rugby union fan what they say think about league, they'll tell you they enjoy watching it in the pub on a Friday night but they'd prefer to play union. Ask a rugby league fan the same question and all you get is "poop Union, kick n clap blah blah blah'.
Rugby Union is a bigger game than rugby league and always will be.
Ahhhh why cant you all just get along.'"
Not true at all, but it's much easier to come out with cliches rather than actually ask, and I mean really ask. I watch both and regularly post on the union board (yes there is one on here). I've lost count of the number of union fans who over the years have posted on RLFans with the sole intention of causing trouble, but I've yet to hear of a rugby league fan trawling union forums trying to pick an internet scrap. There are close-minded zealots in both sports so please don't do the usual thing and lazily trot out the ignorant, Northern, chip on shoulder rugby league fan spiel.
You say 'class, education, North/South divide' as if they are bad things. Are you sure it's wise to come onto a Leigh board and have a go at Northern working class people? I know plenty of people from the lower working classes right through to upper middle classes and I can tell you I've met my fair share of idiots throughout the social spectrum. Some of the kindest, most intelligent people I've met work in factories or clean houses whilst others run their own companies.
What has an education got to do with league or union? Do you honestly think all union fans went to university? Union is a grounded, working class game in and around Bristol and Gloucester. I myself went to university, am a fully qualified English teacher and speak three languages. Should I therefore ditch Wigan for Wasps?
As for the North/South comment, are you aware that there's plenty of rugby league in the South just as there are hundreds of union clubs in the North?
And so what if union is a bigger sport than rugby league? Forget the fact that domestically it's on its in Australia and that many professional and semi-pro clubs in England are bleeding money. Forget the fact that attendances are down this year. Forget the fact that the game in Ireland, Wales and Scotland was in such dire straits that they had to go through a process of slash and burn followed by continual tinkering which has brought us the Celtic/Magners/Pro-12 competition. Forget all that because to a fan of rugby league it doesnt matter. It doesnt matter that the sport is smaller than football, union or cricket. What matters is that they get to watch their sport of choice and support their team.
There's nothing like rugby league fans when it comes to knocking your own sport so the constant sneering in the press and media when it comes to the game is just not necessary.