Quote Starbug="Starbug"What you tend to see is a cycle of a group of local businessmen gain control of a club ,then eventually one by one they leave either because they cannot manage the level of investement asked of them, or quite simply they get fed up of being outvoted on how the club should be run
So you then see one director gain control quite simply because he can afford it, then something will happen resulting in another group of businessmen coming in again , this has happened 3 times at Leigh in the last 20 years
If a seriously rich investor came through the door at Leigh, I would be very surprised if he was refused the opportunity to gain sole control
It isnt about the structure of the administration at any club, its about what they do, putting cash in is great, depending on what the money is spent on decides where you go from there on, just paying good wages to good players will work short term, but isnt sustainable, running a sports business is a lot more complicated than that
The above is a post I made on the Fax board last week in reponse to a claim that a member of the Leigh BOM had stated that the club would never again be under single person control, IMO the only way that could happen is for a new club/holding company to be set up with a constitution to that effect, essentially a supporters trust
If you dont have that, then what I posted above is enevitable, any consortium will always have a life span, by their very nature the type of people that will be in a position to join a clubs board will be used to getting their own way, once you join a group that will change for some
Sporting club administrations will consist of 2 types of person, those that are just happy to be involved with the board room culture and enjoy the inside knowledge and any reflective glory without really offering any drive, then there are those that are the ' drivers' with idea's on how they believe the club should move forward
You can have as many of the former as you can fit round the table ( providing they pay for it ) , the latter however is different and eventually those whose idea's and opinions are not taken up will usually leave
As I said the only other option is a supporters trust type administration, which just doesnt work
I'll not comment further on this, there are some who have posted on this who really need to ask themselves some serious questions about why they are doing what they are doing, because they are not fooling anybody'"
So what your saying in a round about way is that there is always going to be a shelf life for the BOM and that it is inevitable one person will seize control via the majority shares?
What happened to your shares Steve by the way?
Can't speak for anyone else but my motives have been documented on hear from day one since I started posting and before I joined the board but to clarify are to make sure as a club we are open, honest and transparent with our fans and to help safeguard the clubs long term future while making it the very best it can be!!!
I don't want to own the club and have no desires to run it on my own and I don't believe it would be right for any one person to do so, to prove this I would be happy to donate my shares to the fans and or LISA at some point in the none to distant future.
This policy has been a driving factor in reneging the public of leigh and getting the project moving but we have not yet achieved anything or won anything yet.
I strongly believe in this club, town and it's supporters and as such I don't intend to give in, but to work hard to keep everyone singing from the same hymn sheet.
The ousting the old, and bringing in the new idea was mine and in mine and many people's opinions has been what has got us so far, in such a short space of time. By publicly speaking and being transparent it forces people less likely to do so to do the right thing. The journey is just beginning and must carry on.
The strength of our club lies absolutely in the strength, unity and vision of it's fans so I'd urge everyone to stay behind the team and the club, nothing to worry about and United we will succeed.
Andy Mazey