Quote Athy Box Yed="Athy Box Yed"Err, I thought he was caught with Human Growth Hormone in his system, not steroids?
Like I said before, PED use is RIFE in most top level sports, and not just the elite players and athletes either. He got unlucky he was caught.'"
Hope you don't mind me butting in here.
I am a PED specialist, I have athletes (Outside of RL) come to me all the time about so called "Undetectable" drugs all of the time (Although this is not my job to answer these questions!) . Although there are a few which you can get away with - The most commonly used is fast releasing Insulin. This is basically used to aid recovery, and promote muscle hypertrophy and strength gains - Long and complicated story short it shuttles nutrients into every cell in your body (Including muscle cells). Are pro RL players using this? Well that's up to you to make your own mind up.
When I first saw this the other day I was very surprised. Let me explain why! HGH is a wonder drug, (If taking Pharma grade) it grows every tissue in the body, replenishes cells but
It wasn't even HGH that he was taking . He was using a Growth Hormone releasing peptide (GHRP-6, I believe). There is no pharmaceutical grade GHRP-6 exist why? Its still undergoing trials and even though its been around for years people are not even sure that this stuff works, which is why its labeled a research chemical. There is a common misconception that these new peptides are not detectable on a blood test - Mainly because its not actually a synthetic hormone.