Quote Katrina="Katrina"Do I look like Phil Bailey? My mates think I do. I'm not too sure.'"
How many Weetabix can you eat ?
Do you have any information about disabled parking at Orrell ?
Would you like to have the opportunity to buy steak & chips at the DW stadium on match days ?
If a picture paints a thousand words, why cant I paint you ? (I have some undercoat in the garage).
What are the 39 steps ?
What is the meaning of life ?
If given the choice, would you prefer a wheelbarrow or a cauliflower as a Christmas present, and why ?
Do you believe in ghosts ?
Have you ever been to Kidderminster ?
Do you have any false teeth ? (your own, not a friend/relatives)
If you ever met Seb Coe, would you like to punch him in the face ?
Cats or dogs ?
Brown or red sauce on chips ? (or neither)
Brian Blessed, national treasure or pain in the ar*e ?
Your answers would be appreciated, none of the information will be passed on, thank you.
signed.......Bert Terrible, secretary, Platt Bridge Formation Drinking Team.