Quote nickcat0="nickcat0"To be honest, the tags of thugs and boring are probably a bit harsh.
The boring is a reference to the structured game that Wigan play ........ some fans prefer a more fluid, off the cuff, improvised style, where the ball carrier takes a few more risks.
The thug tag is probably because of their physical and aggressive tackling style; and is pssibly also linked to Wigan having had some notorious "hard men" over the years (Goodway, Skerrett, Newton etc); it might even be older fans remembering when Shaun Wane was a player, and in an era when a lot of biff was accepted, he could dish it out with the best of them.'"
I think the tags more than [uprobably a bit harsh.[/u Who are the teams that play with this off the cuff style? Every team I see have a structured way of playing. We have players who take risks with ball in hands, Sarginson, Gelling, Burgess, Bowen and Green spring to mind. Our style suits our players or visa versa. We scored the most tries as a team, and many from longe range, that suggests we have more to our attacking game than just set plays.
As for the [uthug[/u tag. Every club have had their fair share of hard men. Most could give it out and take it. Despite all the statistics, no one has proved that we are a [uteam of thugs[/u as was banded about after the Grand Final.
On my OP, i asked about our tackling technique, asking if it is illegal? I have looked at the stats for this season, we made 8053 tackles as a team. How many of our players have been found guilty of a Cannonball tackle?