Quote ABP'="ABP'"Yeah, I can understand his fustration considering all these projects Hogan has setup yet isn't going to bother following them through because of the fact he's been offered big bucks elsewhere.
On the other hand, I don't blame Hogan for chasing the ££££ as I'd do the same.
That's business I suppose.'"
Course it is. I've been extremely pi55ed off in the past when people I thought to be key staff members have beggered off, but really, what can you do? If someone wants to go, why try and keep them here if it's not where they want to be?
Equally, though, you shouldn't bitch to other staff members, or customers, about their decision. I'm sure Lenegan hasn't become the businessman he is today without having to take a few things on the chin in his time.
I'm also sure that there will be a good few, equally good, people ready and willing to take on the CEO job. I'd be in there like a shot if I had sports club experience.