Quote Angelus="Angelus"Apparently my missus rang up this morning and spoke to "the lovely Dave" so it's all being sorted and I'm going. Could be worse than being on a plane with a bunch of wiganers. I'll be the one staring at the floor waiting for it to end the whole trip over. Or the one drinking constantly. Can't miss out on the trip of a lifetime now can I?'"
It reminds me of a problem my niece had with her hubby, he had been to Aus as kid with his parents on the assisted passage scheme and after about 8 years they came back to the UK (both trips by boat)
When their kids where growing up it was train or car to Deven until the kids where in their late teens and they could be left alone.
Then my niece started to suggest trying a holiday abroad on their own, her hubby said no because he was terrified of flying. After a couple of years of trying my Niece and her sister and her husband finally talked him into going abroad for 10 days (by air).
The holiday was booked and has the day approached he got more and more nervous and an hour before the taxi was due he said he was staying home and nothing could be done to make him change his mind.
My niece picked up her case and jumped in the taxi and went on holiday with her sister and her husband.
The year after my niece booked an holiday to Tenerife for her and her hubby and just told him they would be going down to Devon and would be having an early start.
Off they went ,her hubby blissfully unaware until she pulled up in the long stay car park at Manchester, she parked the car got the cases out and said "we are going to Tenerife". He was to shocked and did not have time to panic to much, so he just followed her, got on the plane and off they went.
That was 6/7 years ago and now they go 2/3 times a year often taking a couple of grandkids with them, now you cant keep him at home.
He realises how much he had missed out, and now he is thinking about an holiday in Aus to visit the school he was in in Parramatta as a kid.
I my self am hoping to go on the WCC, but I have a few problems to sort out before making a final decision and I havn't flown since 1971, My memory isn't to good these days but I seem to remember being issued with a leather helmet and a pair of goggles before getting on the plane.