Quote Odem="Odem"I have seen wire and saints fans walking from the train station to the ground singing! That is all that went on. No violence. Nobody having too much to drink. No trouble.
We walked through the centre of the town to the pub singing and went for a drink. Then went to the ground, when we got their we were singing. Let lads be lads. It is just a bit of singing in the street. We got off the train and were followed by many younger lads attaching themselves to the group, we don't mind. We were just singing, nobody got hurt, no trouble!
I saw many other things on that day which nobody has mentioned, lads blind drunk with red faces also seen in riversiders shirts occasionally, nobody ever mentions them!
That is all the group has to say on the issue really.... I can't be doing with another RL fans 18page thread so I will leave it there.
PS - though youtube vids were not allowed on here unless they were taken by the person posting
Its not the singing...its the singing about the town being full of s**t, covering faces, and walking down the road with banners blocking the place off etc that I think most fans would object to as being intimidating/ offensive and inciting trouble. OK so a large proportion of fans will sing these songs on the ground, but singing them in the middle of the town, where there are people and families with kids who may just be out shopping, going about their general business, acting this way is wrong IMO. Further its only a matter of time before similar mindless morons from the opposing team start responding to this, we end up with a stand off, a few to many drinks and it all boils over.
Why not just walk to the ground (on the pavement), sing when you're at the stadium, and have a good time like the majority of fans, rather than acting like children and looking for trouble.
Also to compare this to the riversiders lads, who at all matches just go for a laugh, a crack, and a few drinks, and never cause any trouble is a joke. No one ever mentions them as they dont cause trouble, or even get close to it! Ok so many of them get blind drunk...so what! So they had red faces? How the hell is this comparable?!!!!....hardly walking through saints town centre, with scarfs over their faces, blocking roads and shouting offensive chants like some EDL march is it?!
How you can fail to see this as threatening, offensive, and inciting trouble is beyond me?! Your about one level down from the chavs in mcdonalds last week. Grow the hell up, watch the rugby like an adult, and then you might find that adults actually want to be friends with you, rather than having friends, as it seems by your videos, who are moronic teenagers!