Wiganers & Drugs
When I was going on the lash through the nineties and onwards, if anyone wanted any drugs (not that I nor any of my mates did), then it could be obtained from a friend of a friend of a friend. I must admit the drug culture has never affected me and if you don't go looking for it you won't see it........
........And then a couple of weekends ago, I ended up in Indiependance (used to be fifteen), I was stood having a slash in the upstairs bogs and two lads at the side of me were openly sniffing cocaine and bragging how good 'the stuff' was!
Now, if it was done in the cubicles that's one thing (thats kind of hiding it), but the fact was they were completely uninterested in the fact that I was stood at the side of them - I could have been anyone (off duty copper, owner of the gaff)...????
I must be getting old, but I do fear for my two young lads who will be hitting the 'delights' of King Street in the next 10-12 years!!!