Quote Jeff the God of Biscuits="Jeff the God of Biscuits"
The fact is people don't hammer Cocaine [i'm using that as it happens to be to fashionable drug at the minute like they do alcohol. If people where to intake the same quantities of alcohol as they do cocaine, there would be no drunks in the world. That's in the majority of cases, there are obviously people who abuse cocaine, but, as it's much more expensive than a bottle of vodka, people don't tend to do more than a couple of lines at a time.'"
Where is your evidence for this? As far as I know (not that I'm a user) cocaine's popularity has been falling and it's relatively cheap.
Quote Jeff the God of Biscuits="Jeff the God of Biscuits"
This is beside the point. If our players where stumbling about, being drunk, infront of their fans on a regular basis, I would not agree with that also.'"
And when have the players been under the influence of illegal drugs infront of the fans? Seem odd that it's OK to drink and spray drinks from the top of an open top bus in public and there's no concern at all but something which no fan sees is beyond the pale.
Quote Jeff the God of Biscuits="Jeff the God of Biscuits"Now if we get into binge drinking 10 pints a night with 10 shots of Sambuca, yes, this is harmful. But by the same token, if you went to McDonalds 10 times a day, this would be just as, if not, more harmful. It's everything in moderation. Yes a few pints won't hurt, that is, largely why it's legal. People have died after trying narcotics ONCE which is why they're illegal, mostly.'"
I bet if you looked hard enough there's evidence of people trying alcohol once and death occurring. Interestingly going to McDonald's 10 times a day has no ill health impacts the walk would probably do most people good. Eating excessive calories does - I suggest that you watch a documentary called Fat Head.
Incidentally, 10 beers + 10 Sambucas + whatever food is eaten in the day would be worse than the McDonalds trips with food.
Clearly you are very close minded on the whole issue and are not prepared to read the evidence around many of the social and health mis-conceptions. I don't use drugs or smoke but I do drink. I am very much of the opinion that if somebody wants to alter their conscious state, let them as long as they are not out causing fights, primary cause alcohol perchance? The legalisation of many recreational drugs would most likely, as seen in Portugal reduce drug use on the whole and tend to make the market for the man made high potency stuff from China largely go away, the very high potency cannabis strains which have been engineered could be kept out of the legal market just like high tar cigarettes - I don't see a black market for them.