Quote jackdog="jackdog"Many pro sports clubs have an official historian/archivist. Wigan don't appear to.
Surely the club would look favourably on a proposal for some kind of employment/sponsorship on whatever basis might suit all parties' existing commitments and requirements?'"
Why would Wigan pay someone to be an official historian when Bilko does it off his own back for free? No offence meant at all to Bilko - I know the lad and he is thoroughly decent.
Look, it's one thing doing this kind of thing as a hobby when you're young and with no commitments, but when you get a bit older, earning some coin sort of takes priority, and no matter how much you love doing what you're doing, you can't carry on if you can't find the time to commit or the money to replace ageing equipment.
Personally, I don't blame Bilko for taking the site down.
I mean, why should the club get the benefit of his hard work when he doesn't get anything? Hopefully the site - and Bilko himself - being unavailable will make the club think hard about whether they want an official PAID historian (and they bloody should!) and if they do, would they want someone with Bilko's commitment, knowledge and back catalogue, or do they want to start from scratch with - I bet - someone less committed than he is.
Mr Lenegan - I know you're a businessman and every penny counts. We all know you can't fritter money away - but surely this is a great INVESTMENT for the club given we have the richest history of ANY rugby league club in the world?