Quote Phuzzy="Phuzzy"It's quite simple really Dave. We don't need to know until it is finalised. It quite plainly isn't. Now, I for one prefer that the information coming from official sources is exactly that; information, not rumour. Forums like this, not to mention the media, provide a satisfactory diet of rumour if that's your thing. We don't need it from the club too...unless, of course you like the 'Parading-Wendell-Sailor-As-A-Nailed-On-Signing' school of public relations. Each to their own I suppose.'"
Who said anything about wanting rumour form the club? No me. So that leaves you with one point. "We don't need to know until it is finalised. "
The problem with this is we have Noble going to the press saying he does not know what his future is but everyone has assumed, including Noble he won't be here next year. Therefore these rumours you say you do not like are rife because the club won't make an announcement and Noble is talking to the press. Ironic isn't it.
One dead simple way to stop the rumours over Nobles future. "Brian Noble's contract won't be renewed next year and an announcement will be made in due course who the new coach will be".
I have yet to see a convincing argument against such a move.
Would it fuel speculation over who the new coach is? That speculation is already there.
Would it upset any other club? No, because no one is being named as new coach but the speculation goes on anyway so no change there either.
Would it upset Noble? He can hardly be upset about something he has concluded is the case anyway.
What about the players? Well they are supposed to know and they have their coach saying in the press he expects to be leaving so some certainly might not go amiss there either.
So what positives would there be to announcing Noble is going?
It would stop the Sky muppets having a pop at Wigan for keeping Noble hanging on.
It is always mentioned that Noble has not got deal in just about every match report or bit of news concerning the club. That would stop.
Noble himself is free to pursue other interests if he has not already and won't be constanly being asked about his future at the club.
Noble deserves the situation clarifying and that means an official announcement then he doesn't have to keep fending off the questions.
It keeps the fans informed and , shock horror, doing so is actually a good thing in itself.