Quote Saddened!="Saddened!"I really can't see how they can keep their jobs over this. I really can't.
Although I agree fully with them
there are some things you just cannot do as the face and voice of a broadcasting company. Anything ending in an 'ism' is a no-no. Your controversial comedians can get away with it but the likes of Keys and Gray should be ultra PC.'"
They'll get a slap on the wrist and have to kiss Clare Short's ar5e, but that's it.
And the reason is simple - 99% of us agree with what they're saying. Their bosses at Sky TV will say they are totally against this, but behind closed doors they'll laugh about it. The Sky TV HR rep may think this is a serious issue, but the rest of Sky TV won't care.
Atkinson's Desailly moment was massively different. Atkinson was one one talking head out of dozens. He was easily expendable. He was also offending black people, so if Atkinson stayed in a job they'd have to defend their position to Desailly, Gullit, Pele, John Barnes, Chris Kiwomwa, etc, etc...
Keys and Gray are the #1 and #2 of Sky's football presentation. Football is the most important part of Sky TV. They've offended 3 refs and lino's, the tea ladies and receptionists of football clubs, Clare Short, mintball and Karen Brady. But who gives a **** about them?
The media debate being led by Karen Brady after this may make them squirm, but it will also make them laugh that they are having to listen to a debate about sexism from a ***** who got her place by sucking Slimy Sullivan.
I don't like Keys or Gray and it'd be funny if they got canned over this, but they won't.