So, if we were to be graded C, we'd be assessed with relation to the follow:
Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"
The promotion and continuous improvement of the standard of Rugby League in the UK and the training of young players in each club.'"
Our Academy and Player Development apparently was graded as A, but is certainly an area where we are very strong. The likes of Ferguson, Murphy, Davey, Wildie, Morton etc have all significantly developed whilst at WTW. Our academy won the league and playoffs within the recent franchise and whilst struggling in the league this season alot of english talent has been allowed to flourish.
Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"
The impact of the Super League is broadened beyond its traditional heartlands, and the development of the league in strategically significant areas is continued.'"
Unfortunately this something that the majority can't meet. Only Quins can truely say they are in an area which isn't a traditional heartland (although that's debateable considering how long they've been based in London). Crusaders, if in Bridgend would also have qualified although forced to move, i'd suggest this isn't the area the RFL had strategically pinpointed.
You could also argue, the Wakefield district is one of the strongest area's for RL for participation, development and impact.
Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"
Super League clubs have appropriate management and organisational systems in place and to promote the highest standards of financial and business management of clubs.'"
This is an area where you'd assume we'd be weak after the previous regime's downfall. Alot will rest on how AG & JE have addressed previous downfalls whilst stabilising the club and installing good practice and how the RFL view our's and crusaders situation.
Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"
The promotion of high quality infrastructure in order to provide players, staff, spectators and media with well appointed, well equipped and safe environments.'"
Very vague, i'm not entirely sure what they're after with specifics. Maybe modern facilities (New stadiums?)
Quote Faxhali="Faxhali"
The promotion of the highest standards in clubs commercial, marketing, media and community departments..'"
Our community department is considered to be one of if not the best in the competition (again rumoured to have been graded A), our marketing has dramatically improved with regional and national adverts as has our media presence. And commercially, whilst unpleasant the benidorm flats are highly profitable. And AG & JE with MH have taken it to another level.
I think we've a good chance of gaining another franchise. Our downfall will be the previous regime's downfall, although strangely enough it might also be our strength in that were under new guidance and making significant progress. I don't think we could do more considering our past. Unfortunately NM was called in otherwise we could have been a shoe in. Fingers crossed