Quote NewtonHillWildcat="NewtonHillWildcat"I know there was an issue at half time today with the sound and the club should not be blamed for that ( that fault has to lie with the groups people ) but shoudl we really be spending money on acts such as this?
I heard a rumour and I hope it is just that, but it cost us £10k for them lads to turn up today. Why do we insist on having BGT or Xfactor acts at the ground. I thought this was New Wakefield. Wasn't it old Wakefield that did just that?
Please Mr Glover, no more. I know that in certain areas acts like this appeal, but really?? Today?? Doubt it!
Surely the money spent today on an act like this would have been better spent on other areas?
There is a time and place for acts such as this and in the middle of a Rugby Field is not one of them ( IMO ).
Next time, why not try and do another World Record for something on the field. Always gets the crowd going and they look far better than 3 lads stood very awkwardly waiting for a bloke to put a fuse in a plug
It was cringeworthy and part of a frankly awful day at the club; I left feeling worse than I have in many years. We looked a shambles in all areas of the club in the week we controversially got a franchise. I agree this nonsense was part of the farce and embarrassment. No more please! And some PA we can hear in the stand would be nice too, as I have asked for a many times before Mr Elston.