Quote Fully="Fully"With the first point - agreed. There are some sensible and reasonable posters on both forums but equally, there are people who would rather see their rivals go under, who are bitter etc.<snip>'"
He's back - Comical Ali, Casforum's very own Minister of Information!
Contrast this conciliatory and sensible post with his previous offerings on the secure unit:
Quote FullyUpdates from tonight's meeting:
- Not looking at segregation for next season and they have a new security company (hallelujah)
- Still got a £125k deficit but that's manageable
- Budget based on 3000 but only sold 1763 (FWIW we've [Cas overtaken them now despite going on sale 5 weeks after).'"
Quote FullyIncidentally, the accounts are still overdue for them.'"
Then this, to complete the Cameronesque U-turn:
Quote FullyTBH, as I've just posted across there, whilst this thread is about latest updates on their situation, this isn't about a slanging match between two factions - there's no need for us to go across there stirring things up and highlighting these things. It can only come to bite us on the backside sooner or later.
They call us obsessed, we call them obsessed, they call us nutjobs, Vinnie calls them scroungers. It's [REMOVED for tat and it's pointless.
Wakey were here yesterday, Wakey are here today and they'll no doubt be here tomorrow, regardless of what other circumstances they have.'"
As I've said many times before, Fully has more faces than the town hall clock!