Quote Pepe="Pepe"What I mean is we’ve been going for other clubs young players who can’t quite make it in SL. Someone at the club seems to think that, because they are young and promising, we’ll be able to take nearly a full squad of these players up to SL in 2012. Netherton, Coyle, Gardener, Gerrard, Pickersgill, I‘Anson and then there's all of the Dual-regs we signed on top of theat, all of which were recalled. It's time for all this cr@p to end. Only Picks imo will be worth a shot at SL, so why bother with the rest? I will admit that I know little about I‘Anson though.
If we try to build a club for SL in this league, with it’s poultry £300k cap, it will be a complete disaster. The team would be humiliated in SL and we won't even be able to hold our head up in the Champioship. I doubt we’ll even get a core of the squad from next years team. What we need is a team that can compete in the Championship next year and win it. For that we need some tough old nuts with bags of experience and skill. Let them bring our own youngsters on in a winning team, instead of getting a pasting physically every week. The good quality old heads, we did have, always seemed to be injured, because PC, in his infinite wisdom, bought them that way.
Imo Brecek will not improve us as significantly as several other players I could think of, and won’t be capable of making the step up to SL, so what’s the point?'"
I totally agree, but I'm not even sure you can go as far as to say 'young and promising'. Its almost as if we'll take any young(ish) player as long as they've recently been at SL club academy. You would have thought we'd have learned by now that not all young players will turn out to be great ones. Maybe it should be a case of [ibetter the devil you know[/i and concentrate on our own youngsters - because a lot of the time it seems we're signing players that we don't know a great deal about.
You look at the Widnes recruitment over the past few years and you just can't see where we are going. We're picking up young players, but sometimes its almost as if we're picking them up purely because they're young - not because they have the potential to play in SL. Were the likes of Sam Thompson, Chris Gerrard, Kirk Netherton, Thomas Coyle or the dual reg players ever realistically going to be SL players for us in 2012? If these players can't stand out at Championship level, how on earth would they cope in SL? At least the 2001 squad had the boast that they won the last 15 games in a row and also won the GF. Back then, we had some real quality players for the division that we were in. I think the problem we've had recently is that we've had a lot of average players (regardless of age) and not enough quality.
I think Pepe is right - trying build a squad for SL whilst we're in the Championship just hasn't worked. May as well try and sign good players for our division now and negotiate with different players for 2012 when/if we get the nod for SL. If anyone we have already stands out next year then obviously they should be given a shot at SL, but I don't think many of them have done themselves any favours over the past 12/24 months.