Quote PAUL M="PAUL M"I don't think it's as cut and dried as that tbh, there are still players who will come into that squad by the end of the season, not all the players from the WC should be overlooked and I don't think TS will, this is a chance for him to see some players he has not seen that much of before.'"
I appreciate what you are saying but im hoping that T.S who himself needs to monitored closely will see what we all know, the squads over the last decade have been no where near the standards required.
I just hope that he has a pair big enough to say enough is enough and that 75% of the team in OZ last year need be offered the chance no more.
G.B and then England have suffered because the coach at the time whomever that was decided to stick with the same hardcore squad as their predecesor, it never worked for them and it wont work for him.