Quote Paul T - HKR="Paul T - HKR"The question you pose is the question I feel sure CS will be asking, and based solely on who would make Rovers stronger I think Hall is a bigger threat than Salter?
However, after a mid-morning coffee (with dunked Bourbons), my colleagues and I are of the opinion that Salter is in the team on merit and deserves to retain his place, but the team will be improved with the inclusion of Hally. This is why we feel Hally will replace Alex Brown.
Now, we know it is a dangerous game attempting to second guess coach CS, but he is ever conscious about player development. So, with this in mind, Alex is one of CS's projects (a work-in-progress) and whilst he has played exceptionally well CS won't want to burn him out. Instead, he might decide to use this opportunity to 'rest' (not drop) Alex so he can can take stock of his recent performances and work on aspects of his game that needs improving.'"
The biggest threat Hall poses right now is halting the progress we're making defensively.
I've read a lot of stuff recently that comes across that the players get credit for our attack but the coach takes the flak for our defence when I tend to see things the other way round; the coach gives the team some superb attacking plays but the players have lacked the capability (until the Salford game) to execute the defensive structures well enough.
Right centre must be the single most hardest position to defend on the pitch because most traffic comes down the right edge, most attacking is one on one and also because he's often the key decision maker of when to shift the slide to the out the back runner for instance. Salter executes all of the above as if he's had years of experience and he therefore should keep his place in the team.
Alex Brown also has scored 4 tries in 2 games and works well in tandem with Salter who Brown gave great credit to Salter for his talking and guidance on the pitch during Warrington home game.
The moment we start to want to put players in the team because of their attack instead of assessing their attack [iand[/i defence, then we'll really struggle to build consistency in the team.
In short I'd bring Hodgson for Cox - other than that, the same team as last week.
It's a 50/50 game which could go either way though I think.