Quote Rotherham Fev Fan="Rotherham Fev Fan"ooo aye - there's a few of us bus
tin this morning with that result!!
Hello Robin, what on earth has happened to you mate.
I know you and Fev have taken some stick but only from a small minority just as some from Fax have from Fev, myself included both of us on the forums and at the games.
There are very few different posters on the Fax forum and even fewer of them that post bad things against Rovers.
Honestly you know it is just a handfull maybe 3 or 4.
Same at the Fev v Fax games it is only a small few from BOTH sides that are resorting to violence and abusive language.
On the Fev Total RL forum to the outsider are you not appearing the same as them of late, just 3 or 4 of you constantly posting negative comments sustaining and spreading the bad feelings every chance you get.
Now on this forum showing your delight in an OTT way because Leigh beat Halifax in a game of rugby!!!
Honestly I have not seem someone so happy for a long long time especially over the result of another team.
Originally you have posted about how you hate branding everyone with the same brush and that it was only a few idiots from both Fax and Fev that were the louts and thugs and these need to be rooted out.
Are you and Sid becoming just like the idiots, people you want rooting out by sustaining the bad feelings every chance you get.
Is actually wishing and relishing the misfortunes of hundreds of others because of the acts of a few normal?
Is that not branding everyone the same?
Something you have stated that you hate?
You need to get over them idiots and not join them.
Why let a few people turn descent blokes into thinking about how to get one over on a rugby team and through that teams performance / fortunes on and off the field all their supporters because of a few.
If you don't let go you will be allowing them into your brain that much it will be beating you up mentally for a long long time and you will be only hurting yourself far more than anyone else.
Help me out here, what am I missing.
Thanks, Mart.