Quote McLaren_Field="McLaren_Field"I didn't see one single drunk person this year, for a change.
I'm glad they didn't try and search me for cans at the gate though, it would have taken some time to explain why I took a tube of white paint and four paint brushes into the ground with me
'" A whole 2 rows were directly behind me. I knew when I posted yesterday about always been lucky with the class of people around me that last night I would be around drunken yobs. One lady had to be held up by the steward walking up the stairs, she was that drunk.
Now to the people directly behind me:
Constant kicking of the seat. He soon stopped that after telling him to give up.
chanting "We're yorkshire, we're barmy, we're off our fo0king heads" and "I'm a top shagger". Now these were the only things they could say for 20minutes.
I told him to shut up in the end and it was ok, till he then found it funny to keep tapping me on the head with the programme. I didn't want to say anything as I thought it could harm my enjoyment of watching the rest of the game, but they actually calmed down abit in the second half after he said "I'm immature, so I replied "yer u are, now let me watch f00king game please".
Half of them missed most of the game anyway due to staying in the bar.
During half time I went to the toilet and one of them was p11ssing in the sink and this lad said "I'm from Bradford, I'm ere to get ed, I go all over to watch footy, it's sick, we just fights and destroy toilets and get hammered, it's sick.
Now I don't mind people singing, but constant chants of "we're off our f000king heads" and "I'm a top shagger", just takes the mickey alittle.
It's abit of a shame that you have to pay an extra 20/30 pound just so your not surrounded by drunken idiots.