Quote G1="G1"The only occasion they weren't was via a profanity filled text message I sent Friday night, in the heat of the game, fuelled by several pints of lager when Buderus inability to pick up the ball from dummy half without knocking on looked as though it might cost us the game.'"
At which point in the game did this inability show itself?
I fear I may have missed it in the enjoyment of watching an entertaining game.
Quote G1="Wilbred T Pricklepop"Should have seen me with haurakis play the ball after the morley hit. Went dulally. At my bloodboiling best.'"
What did Hauraki do wrong when playing the ball after being tackled?
Quote G1="Wilbred T Pricklepop"Amazing what comes over you in the heat of the moment of a big game.'"
You are suffering from Ganson-syndrome. Despite the advances in medical science I'm afraid there appears to be no known cure.