What he actually posted was:
Quote Adeybull="Adeybull"You must be one hell of an uplifting bloke to be in the company of?'"
Now, in context, and as I think any reasonable person can agree, this is mild ribbing of the OP for being a glass-half-empty kind of guy. And indeed the OP doesn't seem to be happy with much that goes on at the Bulls.
Which viewpoint he is, I hasten to add for ME's sake so as to avoid the risk of being accused of attempted murder, perfectly entitled to have.
Now to me, gently pointing out in a civilised way that someone is continually posting from the negative angles, is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. And since i am (mercifully) not a mod, it is no business of mine whether that is allowed on RAB, but I would think (and hop) that the mods view is there is nothing wrong with it. It's just well within the bounds of normal conversation.
People will always disagree. But to try to dress this particular post up as a "personal attack" is just bullcrap IMHO.
But, if it is, then it is no more than ME's constant digs at a mythical hierarchy, clique, call it what he will. I get sick of him chiming in with these snipes all over the place, it does try to derail threads and turn them into tirades about what seems to be some major chip ME has as to a number of posters ("the hierarchy", today, ffs).
I am very happy to leave it to the mods as to how far ME's derailing is permitted, which is just as well since it is fsck-all to do with me, and it is very easy to just ignore posts you don't like, but I would just comment that in this case, I think Adey's remark about the disparaging reaction of the OP to the signing, seen in the context of his general disparaging tone to much of what the Bulls do, is fair comment and is a seven-day camel ride short of a "personal attack". If we can't mildly rebuke people in this way, then we may as well shut the forum.
And it is certainly no worse than ME's fake allegations about hierarchies, and not thread deflecting. Whereas ME's launching into full-on attack-the-biased-and-sooooo-unfair modding is, as well as being a deliberate flouting of the rules about public criticism of the modding process. When we sign Luke Gale, I don't want to read how badly ME, or anyone, thinks the forum is modded in that thread, which should be about Luke Gale and whether he is a positive, negative or neutral acquisition for the Bulls.
Tigertot ate my hamster.