Quote Geordie="Geordie"Free education is a right between the age of 5 and 18 (if you choose to do a levels).
University should not be free, courses that serve the public such as teachers, doctors, dentists should be very heavily subsidised by the government.
All other courses where the student expects to leave and start in a better position than a school leaver going straight to work at 16 or 18 should be paid for.
All of these stupid courses like the study of David beckham etc that we have all heard about should be scrapped.'"
Agree with pretty much all you say Geordie (apart from the subsidies to Doctors/Dentists. These are going to be on EXTREMELY good salaries when they graduate).
Certainly, by the age of 18, you are old enough to make a decision of
a) do I work, or
b) do I further my education, so that I increase my job prospects, so I end up getting a higher paid job when I've graduated.
If students answer b, then they should expect to pay for their extra education (as THEY will benefit for possibly the next 40 years with their "better" salaries). At the moment, students want to "have their cake and eat it", which, under the current global financial situation, cannot occur.
Imo, University in the last decade or so has become "the thing to do" with the attitude of "well, all my mates are going to Uni, so I want to as well" without the thought of "do I actually NEED to go to Uni"
I was listening to a radio quiz the other week, when the contestant was asked what's going on in their lives, to which they replied "I've just taken my daughter to get settled in at Uni"
"Oh really, that's nice, what's she studying"
you could hear the tumbleweed for a couple of seconds.
Why does this girl feel the need to upsticks 100's of miles from her home, pay rent, living expenses as well as tuition fees, to do a course which must have a handful of hours a week, to put herself (and possibly her parents) in ridiculous unnecessary debt, all to say, I've had a life experience at Uni. Couldn't she have gone to nightschool/learned on the job???
If you want to better yourself (and fair dos to people who do), you've got to be prepared to pay for it.