Quote MattyB="MattyB"I will bring mine. It will be from the same stand though.'"
Cheers Matty! Anyone else? The more videos the better, we've over 10,000 views [url=http://www.youtube.com/user/WRLBriganteson the YouTube channel[/url.
Quote MattyB="ROBINSON"Sorry if I'm being a fuddy duddy but I don't get this Brigantes thing.
What's wrong with simply being a Wigan RL Supporter?'"
Not at all mate, I see your point. There is nothing wrong with being a Wigan RL supporter, we all are! I think it is more a way of expressing that support (not a level of how much you support the club/team, we all love the club just as much!), in our case through flags and singing and jumping up and down, others will think it is daft and of course they are completely entitled to think that! I think having a name and an identity helps fans, with similar ideas who want to join, to find us and get involved and helps us be more organised with things like speaking to safety officers at clubs. It also allows us to stand together at away games and create a good atmosphere (I do think the atmosphere at away games has improved) but also to keep out the way of those who don't want their view obstructed by flags and banners, we realise that not everybody will want what we do and it would be unfair to impose ourselves on them.
Quote MattyB="Wigg'n"I don't think the Brigantes care about rules...'"
You couldn't be more wrong here, without sticking to the rules set by Wigan and working with them there would be no Brigantes (certainly not at the level it is now), there would be no flags up at home or away games. Members of the group are meeting the safety officer at Warrington tomorrow to hand over some flags and discuss what we can and can't do, people have been giving up their own time all week speaking to various people from Warrington/Wigan/the RFL to sort out what can happen on Saturday. A lot goes on behind the scenes by people who don't like to brag about the hard work they are putting in, statements like yours are wholly untrue and damaging to the reputation of these people!
Quote MattyB="the18thman"We're Wigan Rugby, we'll do what we want?'"
Bit of a daft thing to say mate!